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2004-07-08 - 11:41 p.m.Volcanocam

I have finally led Michael my therapist astray!!!! Yes it has finally happened and I couldn�t be more thrilled about it! In fact I raised my arms in the air like I had made a touch down and exclaimed: �He finally said it, I�m so proud of you Michael!� To which we had a really great laugh! Hell I would have done a touchdown dance had I not been sitting on the floor! Well, what did he say Annie, you may be thinking. Are you ready? You sure? He said...... really sure you want to know? He said... and with no hesitation and the right stresses I might add... he said....FUCKING! No shit, he really used the F word, twice! All that political correctness when right out the window, thank you God! Then we cracked up some more as he said in his social worker voice... �Thank you Melissa for helping me through that, it�s been what a couple of months?� �A year-and-a-half Michael!�

He�s a tough one!

At the end of our session I told him I couldn�t wait to tell everyone.... meaning here and he started laughing again and said: �Please be gentle with me.�..........ahhh.....hummm.... ok......will she or won�t she?......No not going to do it, that statement was too good to be true I know and he really set himself up.....yes it�s killing me but I�m not going to do it nor write what when through my head. It�s just fucking killing me to be this good, maybe later I�ll crack. Moving right along.......

We did have a good session... it was really nice to laugh through some of this bullshit, ok it was fucking fun! I didn�t really get triggered and we did talk about DID a little. I say a little because I didn�t bring it up till all most the end and the massive amount of chest pain I was having made me grateful there wasn�t much time left. Oh and he didn�t forget this, and he did bring it up; still didn�t answer him, but that was a funny too. I see him next week as he will be gone again and I won�t see him for three after next week. I know, I enjoyed not going for three weeks a little too much, I�ll deal with it. I did notice I missed that walk to the locked door however, yes his walk is very, very, nice... I told you it was fucking killing me! I just can�t help it sometimes!

So how was it for you Michael, it was real fine for me! (wink! wink!)


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